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Functional packaging for a beverage product

The Customer:
An R&D company specializing in the food and beverage industry
The Challenge
Our client was interested in testing the feasibility of replacing aluminum foil in the packaging of a commonly used beverage product with one plastic. The plastic product must meet the original product characteristics without affecting the use or quality. The product requirements included thermal resistance at high levels of heat and complete sealing from oxygen penetration, while maintaining a side wall of 0.4 mm.
Also, we were required to deliver the product in a very short time.
Plastomold's Solution:
We started by checking the product design, as given to us by our customer, and based on our experience with plastic injection molding identified several problems in the product design and design. After that, we made recommendations that made production easier and improved the quality of the final product. The result was a group of 11 parts made of a variety of materials - ABS, PA, PC - which, together with electrical accessories, created a perfect surgical screwdriver. Our subsidiary in China produced the molds, and within 6 weeks our client's conditions with 70 groups were submitted to the S.N. After receiving CE certification, we produced 500 sets in our clean room facilities, including tempo printing.
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